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        Die Deutsche Sommerschule von New Mexico in den Gila Bergen
               June 6, 2023 - July 7, 2023      


Application Procedure

Thank you for your interest in the German Summer School of New Mexico!


Scholarships are still available. Scholarship priority is given to applications made before March 31, 2023.


All applicants, except teachers (see Teachers Information Form) are required to submit the following:

  1. The application form with all information supplied.
  2. A certified transcript of college or university work (usually sent directly by the registrar of your institution to the address below). High school students should submit the official record of their high school work.
  3. The completed recommendation form, to be given to a teacher or other person well qualified to evaluate your language ability and general academic qualifications. It is your responsibility to contact your reference and request that he/she mails the form to the address below or sends it per email at schule@unm.edu.
  4. A non-refundable $400 deposit. This deposit will be deducted from the total costs of the program if you are accepted to the Summer School. If you are not accepted into the program your deposit will be refunded. Please make your check out to: UNM — German Summer School. Applications without the deposit cannot be considered.

You will be notified of the decision on your application within three weeks after all material has been received. Accepted students will receive pertinent paperwork (such as enrollment information and confirmation forms) and other details about their stay in Taos.

Financial Aid:

Applicants desiring financial aid should submit all of the above plus the completed financial aid form (available on our website) & a FAFSA Student Aid Report (SAR). These financial documents need to be mailed or emailed to the German Summer School office together with the other application materials. Please note that applications for scholarship aid are considered in order of receipt. Preference is given to applications received by March 31, 2023.

Application Deadline:

Application deadline for admittance is May 8, 2023.

Application Forms

If you would like an application sent to you, simply send us an email and we will mail one to you immediately, or print out our on-line forms (see below) and mail them to the address below.

All application forms can be emailed (schule@unm.edu) or mailed to:

Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
German Summer School
Ortega Hall 229 A
MSC03 2080
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001