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        Die Deutsche Sommerschule von New Mexico in den Gila Bergen
               June 6, 2023 - July 7, 2023      


About the Program

The program is located in Kingston, New Mexico, a small village nestled in the Gila Mountains of Southwestern New Mexico. This secluded and beautiful site allows students to focus on participating fully in a German-speaking environment. While attending the Deutsche Sommerschule, faculty and students live and work together in the charming and rustic Black Range Lodge.

The 2023 lecture series is on Brüche und Umbrüche in der deutschsprachigen Welt. Our curriculum is further complemented by evening presentations and lectures featuring our visiting scholars, authors-in-residence, artists-in-residence, and guest lecturers.

What We Offer:

  • German Immersion
  • Undergraduate Seminars
  • Graduate Seminars
  • Workshops & Lecture Series
  • Teacher Training
  • Master of Arts in German Studies
  • Goethe Zertifikat

Extracurricular Activities:

To complement the learning experi­ence at this German summer school, students can hike in the Gila Wilderness while learning about the geological formations and the plant world of the area. Students can also explore the ancient Gila Cliff Dwellings and the beautiful sand dunes of White Sands. Additionally, participants in the program will have the chance to enjoy a tour of the Very Large Array, an observatory with 28 massive radio telescopes. Trips to Silver City and Las Cruces will offer students a chance to learn more about New Mexico's rich history and culture. While a traditional Früh­schoppen marks the transition to the second half of the program, the end of the program is celebrated with a Talent­abend, a fun-filled evening of student skits and performances.

The German Summer School was founded in 1975 by Peter Pabisch and George F. Peters — with the support of Ernest H. Blake, A. Leslie Wilson, the University of New Mexico, and the Goethe House New York.